A principios de octubre escribí un post relacionado con la aparición de una noticia en "La Vanguardia", relacionada con el crecimiento exponencial del uso de fiambreras respecto a la venerada costumbre de acudir al bar o restaurant para comer un menú.
A finales de octubre, en E-Health Insider, número 350, escriben el siguiente comentario en su sección "Diary":
"One of E-Health Insider's reporters found herself in a hospital canteen recently, trying to persuade her netbook to make use of the well-advertised, free wireless network for visitors. The IT worked. The food left much to be desired; at least for our reporter, who didn't desire stodge with a side order of chips. No surprises, then, in this week's Which? report that found too many hospitals are still serving high fat, high salt food in their canteens and that only four out of the 21 surveyed had a "healthy option." Many NHS staff - healthcare IT workers among them - are dependent on canteens during the working day (and well before and after it). Surely it's time for employers to do better?"
Como podemos leer, su preocupación era más bien dietética...
Y ahora aparece el número 351 con este comentario en "Diary":
"The diary doesn't like to overstate its influence, but no sooner had last week's appeal for better hospital food gone out than a news release from NHS North East Essex came in, proclaiming a better catering service at Clacton Hospital. Patients are to trial a new system in which "upright, chilled industrial refrigerators" will be placed on the wards, holding meals that can be "microwaved, but not in the normal way." Each sealed meal will have a steam valve, apparently, which will slowly release vapour as the meal is cooked, resulting in a "tastier, more nutritious" plateful. Meantime, a new, mobile catering system called "Evolution" is heading for the cafeteria, bringing such delights as a "fully automatic coffee machine" with it. Sadly, the press release doesn't say it will have a web 3.0-style link up to the hospital ordering system; but it can only be a matter of time."
Curioso, ¿no?