Es una sociedad bien curiosa...
Las siglas corresponden a Society for Exorbitantly Expensive and Difficult to Implement EHR's.
Si, es lo mismo que pienso yo... ¿de qué va esto?
Por lo que parece es una broma... o quizás no.
Os transcribo exactamente lo que dicen de esta curiosa sociedad en eHealth insider, número 336.
No tiene desperdicio.
"All those worthy e-health societies and associations should be on their guard. There's a new rival in the camp, Seedie – the Society for Exorbitantly Expensive and Difficult to Implement EHRs. The leadership is impressive; Seedie's latest newsletter announces the appointment of Sal Obfuscato as executive director with a salute from board chairman, Brantley Whittington of EHR vendor Extormity: "While Sal's lack of healthcare experience was a red flag to some, his ability to enforce standards at all costs could not come at a better time for our industry. While at the helm of a leading waste hauling syndicate, Sal was able to extract maximum customer revenues and keep market leaders marching in lockstep." Seedie's mission is wickedly cynical: "Unlike independent, objective, professional organisations created to help medical professionals select and implement interoperable EHR solutions, Seedie promotes healthcare IT systems that play well in the sandbox if, and only if, it is in the best interests of a particular vendor." Curiously, there doesn't seem to be a membership list on the website. "
Seguro que quien más, quien menos, conoce a amigos afines a Sal Obfuscato...
P.D.: por cierto, que la web de Extormity (se accede desde SEEDIE) es también una verdadera joya.